Monday, May 9, 2011

Yuuki is walking!!

Time flies. My last post was about Yuuki's first word and now I am writing about him walking. I've been busy trying to balance things in life. I haven't quite found a good balance but I will try to restart my blog. Yuuki is growing up before our eyes and I want to keep track of what how he grows up. 

Last Sunday, we went to Yoyogi park with some of Mizuki's friends. It was one of the most perfect days  in Tokyo weather wise, with lots of sunshine and low humidity. There are very few days like these, unlike Santa Monica where the weather was almost always perfect. 

Yuuki has been walking a step or two since about a month ago, but at the park, he seemed to have so much fun playing with children a little older than him on the fresh green grass. He could walk for 5-6 steps without being assisted. We were amazed and happy, but it seemed he himself was most surprised at what he could do already, and he kept giving us the best smiles full of excitement. 

What was amazing was that the next day, he started walking 10-20 steps all of the sudden!!!!! In the morning it was just 5-6 steps but by afternoon, he started walking across the room. Mizuki and I were both there to witness this precious moment. These are the moments that make you happy you are there for him full time. Yuuki's little giant steps towards the future.....I wonder where they will take him.