Tuesday, December 7, 2010

First Word

Oh my goodness, has it really been a month since my last entry??! It has been a hectic month with Yuuki catching a cold again, Mizuki back in Tokyo, starting to look into the job market and along with that looking for day care programs for Yuuki. It is really hard here in Japan for working mothers since there is not enough day care centers for babies, but that is a whole other story I will write about again.

Anyways, Yuuki is starting to really speak. He's been cooing and ahhing at a fairly early stage, but recently it seems he has a favorite word he likes to speak! It's......"Momma"!!!! Yay! It's not like I whispered "Momma" into his ear every day and night, it really isn't...: ) They say it brings tear to your eyes when you first hear that magic word....it really did....! Thank you Yuuki!