Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Party

On Thursday, we had a baby Halloween Party! Momoko, a family friend we have known since we were babies, was back in Tokyo from Dusseldorf with her son, so her sister, Ai, and her baby son, and Yumiko and Sosuke all got together at my parents' house. We decorated the house with Halloween confetti and dressed our babies up....well, kind of, since they all hate having something put on them! Yuuki was supposedly a pumpkin, but he just wouldn't let me put on the pumpkin bib, so here he is with a pumpkin stem. :) Next to Yuuki is Sosuke in his cowboy outfit!

Ai's baby son, Harufumi, was a cute little devil, and Momoko's son, Rintaro, was a cat. The Nakazawa sisters both made their baby's outfits!! How creative. 

I remember as little kids our parents dressed us up and had a Halloween Party some thirty years ago. Now we all have kids of our own. I thank my mother for passing on such a wonderful friendship with the Nakazawa's. Good friendship is truly a treat.