Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fear of the invisible

I've been stressed out lately. Since 3.11, so many things have changed. I've been trying to act normal, trying to go on with life as before because I thought that was the way to support victims and to keep this country moving forward...but it's stressful. Stressful because nothing is just the same anymore. It's even more stressful because everyone is trying so hard to act normal when it's not. 

I turn on the TV and there is much talk about radioactive contamination in food. Last week, government authorities tested for contamination in beef, and most of the beef from Fukushima tested positive. I've already been avoiding seafood, and now meat. However, the tone of the media in Japan is mostly, "Oh, if you don't eat the contaminated meat everyday for the rest of your life it's okay. Just a little is okay. Don't worry too much." or "Oh, we should trust the authorities, they are saying it's okay." or even "Let's buy vegetables and meat from Fukushima, we need to support them!" What?????? Are you crazy?? It makes me sick how blind and stupid and ignorant these people sound. I have a one year old baby to raise in this sad country. I don't want even the slightest amount of radioactive contamination in the food I serve Yuuki. There may be no effect immediately, but I don't want to see any of our children in pain 10, or maybe even 20 years from now. These children are the hope for Japanese future, but the government is doing nothing to protect them. I resent the fact that I must raise children in this country where no crisis management is present. 

I've stopped shopping at my neighborhood super market where they do not conduct any radioactive testing. It surprises me that most supermarkets in Japan don't have radioactive testings yet. Still, I don't see decline in people shopping at regular supermarkets. I buy all my food at Oisix now, an online supermarket where they have strict radioactive testing systems and disclose them. 

I've stopped drinking/feeding tapped water.       

I've stopped going to parks now since I am afraid of contamination in the playgrounds. 

At an individual level, these little things are all I can do to protect my family, to protect Yuuki from the invisible fear. It is so much easier to pretend everything is okay, to live just like before. I know though, that there will be a big difference in the long run for those who take preventative measures and for those who don't.

I never knew that not having a security in such fundamental products like food will bring so much stress.
Although it's stressful, as a mother, I must continue. I only hope all mothers do the same.