Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yakiniku! Yum!! (Japanese-style BBQ)

It was a cold, rainy day yesterday. It was hot until just a few days ago this year in Tokyo, but it seemed like autumn settled in all of the sudden. Somehow I just did not feel up to doing anything, so I stayed in with Yuuki and literally did nothing. It was one of those days where you can't seem to get out of bed and blame everything on the feel lazy but it's nice to have a day like this once in a while. Mizuki was able to come home early, so he took us out to Yakiniku to boost my energy. There is a Yakiniku restaurant on Komzawa-dori called Tokyo-en. It is only about a 5 minute walk from our house, and we had been wanting to try it. Oh my...the meat was thick, fresh and juicy, the kimchi and namul had great flavor, and the service and atmosphere of the restaurant was very nice. It was baby friendly, too! Although Yuuki is still too young to eat, they had a baby fork and plate ready for us since I told them we were bringing a baby when I made a reservation. They also gave Yuuki a baby chair to sit on, and he was able to enjoy sitting by himself for a little while.

They buy their meat everyday at the Chuo Meat Market in Shibaura, Tokyo, so the meat is very fresh, most of them just butchered that day. They take pride in the freshness of their meat, so they recommend to eat a lot of the meat raw or cooked very lightly. Their "10-second Loin", which means to cook on the BBQ for 10 seconds, is their specialty and most popular menu. It was delicious, it melted in your mouth. We are sure to go there again soon!