Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yuuki 5 months old

It's hard to believe, but Yuuki has turned 5 months two days ago!! He has grown so big and can do so much now. I look at him with wonder everyday. How was he in my stomach just 5 months ago?? The little baby that slept most of the day can now smile, laugh, roll over in many directions, play with toys, stand up with support, babble, lick and try to eat everything, move towards where he wants to go, and most of all, make people smile all around him. His big black eyes are always very curious, and his hands reach out to everything he sees and puts them in his mouth.

Now we really need to keep a close eye on him, since he can move around anywhere. 2 weeks ago, I put him on our bed while I was taking out a futon for him to sleep on so he wouldn't fall off the bed, but just as I was getting the futon, I heard something fall to the floor and then a big cry...Yuuki had fallen off the bed!!!! We have a hard wooden floor, so I panicked...he cried so loud, it must have hurt very very much...I cried with him. It took me a few minutes to calm myself down and straighten my thoughts to ice him and take him to the hospital. Fortunately, the injury was just a little bruise on his face, but I felt so sorry for him and I promised myself never to put him on a bed or sofa alone. There are going to be so many obstacles around the house I have to be aware of!! I am especially afraid of the stairs, we must get gates and baby-proof our house ASAP!!

Mischief of one kind and another.....