Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lunch at Beacon

On Saturday Yuuki and I went to Aoyama to have lunch with my friend Ryo. She is having a baby girl in another month, so she had such a cute belly, but she hasn't gained weight anywhere else, unlike me....I am still trying to fight off the baby fat I put on during my pregnancy. Anyways, we went to Beacon, a steak house in Aoyama. It has a great atmosphere with a high ceiling, spacious seating, simple but luxurious decor and great American fusion food. I also love their lemonade!! Somehow it's hard to find lemonade in Tokyo, it's not very common. There is an English menu and perfect English speaking staff, so it's really popular among foreign expats. It's ideal for business lunches and dinners on weekdays, but on weekends babies and kids are welcome so it's great for family brunches. It's great to have such an authentic restaurant to bring Yuuki along with.

My sempai from college, Shimpei-san owns the restaurant, and he was able to join us as well : ) We had a great time chatting and catching up. Actually, Ryo and I had some quality girl talk time while Shimpei-san babysat and took Yuuki around the restaurant!! Thank you so much Shimpei-san!! They seemed to click very well, and Yuuki looked really happy in Shimpei-san's arms. Maybe Yuuki's first job will be at Beacon!